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Why you should have a ‘healthy ego.’

Writer's picture: Adwaith ChandrakanthAdwaith Chandrakanth

Updated: Dec 1, 2024

I’m here to tell you that I have a massive ego.

Shocking, isn't it? What an amazing way to start this blog.

Let me explain.

Yes. I have a massive ego.

And no, it’s not the negative kind of ego that you’re probably thinking about.

I’m talking about the positive kind of ego that will help elevate you to new levels.

I walk around believing that I am the best and that I can achieve anything if I relentlessly work on it.

The world around you expects you to fall in line and not do or say anything that disturbs the status quo.

The world around you expects you to be the same as others and follow a path that is not meant for you. This is the reason why I feel like a lot of people are unhappy and not content with what they are doing in their lives.

The world around you expects you to be quiet and ‘humble’.

Do you know what I want you to do? I want you to throw this ‘humbleness’ out the window.

I’m not telling you to be rude or a pretentious narcissist. I want you to be humble and not be humble at the same time.

This kind of duality is key to have the mindset you need to succeed.

I want you to believe in yourself and have the confidence that you can do whatever you set your mind to.

I want you to embrace your need to be different.

I know that trying something new can be scary and difficult, but embrace the pain and the discomfort of change, because that is how you you allow yourself to grow and expand your horizons.

I always knew that I had to be different. I knew that I wasn’t meant for the plans that my family and society had in in mind.

I was always a rebel and I had to do things my way.

But I wasn’t always confident in allowing this side of mine to thrive.

Growing up, I was someone who did things by the book. During my younger days, I was a teacher’s pet and I was getting excellent grades in school.

I was destined to be an engineer according to my parents and that was the pre-planned career path that my family had for me. I was expected to follow this path and not deviate from it.

Was I asked what I wanted to do and what I cared about? No.

I was an engineer and that was the path that others has chosen for me, without even consulting what I wanted from my own life.

I’m sure a lot of other Indian kids felt the same when they were growing up.

But I stuck with it because I thought that was the right thing to do. My parents told me to do it, so it must be the correct choice, right?

I was afraid to speak out and to deviate from this path because I didn’t want to end up as a failure in front of my family and society.

I ended up going to an engineering college and choosing a course that I didn’t have any interest in. I decided to choose it because everyone told me that this career path had potential and that it would help me secure a stable job after graduation.

I was so uninterested and didn’t feel like attending any of the classes. It felt like I was forced to sit there and listen.

This is a recipe for disaster. When you are forced to do something that you’re not interested in, your heart won’t be in it and you will never give it all of your effort.

On the contrary, if you follow your own path, no matter how difficult or daunting the task at hand is, you would always give it your all. You will give 100% of your effort with no regrets or procrastination.

You will find a way to make it work.

I knew that I was destined for greater things and this wasn’t it. I knew that I should be spending this time doing something else.

I knew that I was intelligent, smart and had excellent communication skills with a passion for business and making money.

The engineering course wasn’t the correct platform for me to showcase my talent, but I was young and I made mistakes.

At times, I felt that I was an idiot and didn’t have any talent because of the marks that I was scoring and the negative feedback I received from my professors.

My confidence took a hit and I didn’t know what to do. It felt like I didn’t have a purpose of my own and it was so demotivating at times.

After struggling for years, I decided to travel abroad and join a course that I was interested in learning.

Travelling abroad, settling in a different country and embracing a new culture was crucial in the next step of my journey.

It was not just about the university degree for me. I wanted to experience life and I experiences that would help me unlock the potential that I knew was hidden inside of me.

Living abroad, staying away from family and interacting with an international crowd helped with unlock my confidence and I was starting to become so sure of myself and my talent.

I started embracing my confidence and I had no issue displaying it.

My mannerisms, the way I communicated, my body language.. Everything started to change.

I was evolving and becoming a better version of myself.

A version of myself that could handle anything and had a growth mindset.

I welcomed the failures and the countless setbacks that I had to endure.

In life, certain uncomfortable experiences are required for you to bring out the best in yourself. I didn’t realise it at the time, but those years in engineering was an eye-opener and it helped me realise what I wanted out of this life.

Confidence is often seen as a negative character trait.

When you become confident, people will start judging you and think that you’re so full of yourself.

People get uncomfortable with confidence and hard work because it makes them insecure about their own lack of discipline and the courage to fight or work for their dreams.

Anything out of the ordinary is scary and confusing for the majority of the populace because they’re in their comfort zone, even if it’s hurting them.

Over the years, I developed a ‘healthy ego.’

I knew who I was and I knew what I was capable of.

I believed in my own abilities, resilience and persistence. I wasn’t going to let anybody bring me down and make me doubt my own self-worth.

I had an opinion and a voice. I knew that I was the MAN.

Even if the monumental task ahead is daunting and extremely difficult, you need to delude yourself into thinking that you can do it.

Don’t let negative thoughts creep into your head and let the voices tell you that you won’t be able to accomplish it.

Believe in yourself even when the odds are stacked against you and you feel like the entire world and circumstances are against you.

I want you to knock down the door of opportunity, bend reality to your will and make life give you everything that you want.

I want you to work hard and embrace all the diicficufties that will come your way,

Ego, stubbornness, pride.. these words are often associated with negativity and you are often discouraged to have them.

But there are positive variations of these words. Embrace them and transform into your highest self.

A version of you that is capable of achieving the impossible and soar high.

Welcome duality in your life. Have a healthy ego, be stubborn, but also be kind, loving and helpful.

Be an amazing human being and use your powers and knowledge for good.

The people who are meant to understand you will be there by your side. They will give you the strength you need to keep on track. They will keep you accountable.

The haters will keep on hating. So don’t focus your energies on them. You will always have nay-sayers and people who don’t understand you or your vision.

The path to success will always have obstacles and people standing in your way.

But you’ve got no time to worry about them. Use them as fuel. Elevate your drive and your hunger. Keep working and prove them wrong.

Most importantly, do it for yourself.

I believe in you and I am rooting for you.

May you achieve everything that you set out to achieve.

I know you can win.

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